Android: Easily add Move to SD option to your App (for Froyo 2.2)
September 23, 2010 Android

It’s very easy to add the option to your app so your app can easily be moved to SD (only available for Froyo 2.2)

The value is set to “auto” so that the user can decide where to install the application. If this value is not present at all, the default behavior is to only allow installation to internal storage and not to give the user a choice. The other possible values to use are “internalOnly” which is the same as the behavior without this setting, and “preferExternal,” which will install the application on the SD card first, if it’s available and there is room.

Keep the “minSdkVersion” the same as before; it need not be 8 to match Android 2.2

– Right click your project, then change build target to Android 2.2. However because your Manifest file still has minimum SDK, that means your user can still install your App (don’t need to have Froyo), but if they have Froyo, they now will have option to move app to SD.

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