Ubuntu: how to install Android Studio on Ubuntu 15.10

  1. Install the Open JDK8 on Ubuntu. Go to terminal,
    type: sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jdk.
  2. Install the lib32stdc (you only need lib32tdc++6 for Ubuntu 15.10, without it, you will see android studio show an error unable to run mksdcard-sdk…) To install, in terminal type:
    sudo apt-get install lib32stdc++6
  3. Go to browse and open link: http://developer.android.com/sdk/installing/index.html?pkg=studio
  4. Click on the link, download it now to start download the Android studio zip file.
  5. Extract the zip file to a path of your choice: such as /home/android-studio/
  6. CD to /android-studio/bin, run ./studio.sh to start the android studio.
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